Label info: "The very first part of the Aural Holograms series incorporates various call and response patterns manifesting vibrating, subtle energies, all of which have been... (continued)
New collaboration release from these almost excessively prolific projects, this being the second one to be put out on CD if I'm not mistaken. The title... (continued)
Label info: "After two net-releases titled "Agrippen" and "Cortharis Lex", which are still available for download on his website, Deuterror offers us... (continued)
Label info: "A long obscure Crime Jazz Industrial soundtrack for Hard Boiled and Pulp situations, Night Club, Femmes Fatale, Revolver and... (continued)
Full-length release from this US project run by the person behind the Blood Ties zine. Over an hour's worth of dynamic ambient noise with a nice level of detail and... (continued)
2 new tracks of soaring cinematic orchestration colliding with a personalized and emotional take on power electronics. If you missed out on the 3", here's your chance to... (continued)
Label info: "Ladies and Gentlemen: Mr. AIT! is back at last to reveal himself with a new kinky show for those of you having lost their heart in a dark Italian discotheque,... (continued)
Traditional Jewish folk songs performed as twist tunes, supposedly by the enigmatic Solomon Schwartz back in 1963. If this is indeed the real background story or a cleverly... (continued)
Follow-up to the Red Square compilation, also released on St Petersburg label KultFront. This time round, the participants include Bardoseneticcube, Anthesteria, Ganzer,... (continued)
Label info: "A strange project that for a moment united Peter Andersson (raison d'Etre) and Johanna Rosenqvist (ex-Institut, Koeff) in the distant 1992.... (continued)
Active since the late 90's but without any official releases until now, Erthad's first output on physical format is the sort of obscure discovery from the Russian scene that makes... (continued)
Label info: "This split release is a commemoration of one of the most tragic pages of Russian history in the 20th... (continued)